Tuesday 11 June 2013

From My Sketch Book

As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago my Hard drive with all my Cartooning & Illustration work on it was knocked off my desk by our cat. Sadly to date I still havent been able to fix the Hard drive however I have a part coming from the USA which may be able to rectify the issue...fingers crossed. This Hard drive issue has unfortunately has thrown my blogging into a spin at the moment.

Todays blog I'm posting a Sketch I did a long time ago for some characters I designed for a comic book that I was working on. When I was up at my folks last year I found a heap of my old sketch books that I had kept from when I was a teenager drawing silly comics. I'm not sure of any of these characters names but they look pretty cool especially the bull character.

Enjoy and I'll see you next week!

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