Monday 1 April 2013

My first go at Cartooning...

One of the first questions people ask when they find out you are a cartoonist is "So how did you get into it?". Well today I'm going to tell you the story. 

It all started when I was back at High school and my art teacher decided that as I was the class clown and had the attention span of a goldfish I needed something I could do fast and he gave me a black text and paper and sat me in the corner with a newspaper.   

I was told told to draw something quickly to do with the main newspaper stories. They were 'Fine cotton' racing scandal and the Victoria Police window shutter scandal (where police were receiving kick backs from window shutter companies for broken windows).

Off I went and started drawing..the cartoons below are some of the first I ever drew. The first two relate to the newspaper and the bottom two are just jokes...and bad ones at that.

The rest they say is history!

Victoria police window shutter scandal

Fine Cotton Scandal

Enjoy and I'll see you next week!

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