Monday 29 April 2013

Cartoon Strips - Before and After retouch

This week I'll be blogging about how things have changed in cartooning. The strip below is from a series I drew for 'Dog's Life' magazine for a few years back in the late 1990's.

The series was called 'It's a dogs life'. The cartoons were drawn on paper using ink and a brush. Once they were completed and the ink had dried, the grey lead used to sketch the drawing was erased and any problems were cleaned up using liquid paper (white out).

The cartoon was photo copied onto water color paper and coloured using water colors. The cartoon was then posted to the magazine for publishing, a example of this can be seen below.

I have started re-doing the old cartoon strips using photoshop this time to color them. Below is how the newer version of the cartoon strip looks.... 

I'll post more of the strips as I complete them.

Enjoy and I'll see you next week!

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