Monday 21 January 2013

Welcome back for 2013!!

Welcome back and I hope you had a good break! It's hard to believe it's the 21st of January 2013 already. It only seems like yesterday I was winding down for 2012...

I didn't have as productive break as I had planned, unfortunately kidney stones saw me flat on my back for 4 weeks and for anyone who has had them before let me tell you it was a very long and painful period. 

The good news is they are now gone and I'm back on deck. 

As it's Australia Day this week...on the 26th of January, I'm posting a promo card I did which I did for use overseas. The card features may of the interesting creatures that we have in this vast continent.

I tried to make the post card look as old school as I could, by using a program in Photoshop CS5 called machine wash which gives an image a selected washed look.

Happy Australia Day and I'll see you all next week!

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