Monday 10 February 2014

Converting Watercolor Dinosaur Poster in Photoshop

 This weeks blog is about a project I'm currently working on. Many years ago, probably 20 Years, I drew a massive Dinosaur water colour picture, which was on two sheets of water colour paper. This Dinosaur poster got framed and then put in a cupboard.

A few years ago I found the picture and scanned it into my computer. Once I had done that I brought it into Photoshop and experimented with converting the picture into a digital one.

Picture A. Water Color
I played around with gradients, shading and colouring, which up until this stage I hadn't done much of this in Photoshop prior to this picture. 

Picture B. Photoshop
This week I've set my self a goal of re-doing the picture to see the difference a bit of experience makes. Once I've completed this I will post the new picture.

Enjoy and I'll see you next week!

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